American Legion Post 382, Department of Florida

Reasons to Join / Renew Memberships

Veterans Day Ceremony at Navarre Park
Our Purpose
Becoming a Member
Contact Us
Reasons to Join / Renew Memberships
American Legion Auxiliary
Sons of the American Legion (SAL)
ALR Calendar of Events
ALR Photos & Members Page
Top 5 Reasons Veterans And Their Families Join  

1. Satisfy a Mutual Interest-Topics, Concerns, and Ideas are shared with other Veterans.

2. Achieve Security - Discovers benefits are of value, Service Officer, Discounts on a number of services, strength in numbers for lobbying, etc.

3. Fill a Social Need - Association with others who enjoy similar events, experiences and activities.

4. Fill a need for Self-esteem - Organization has a positive image, provides an opportunity for volunteers to serve and be recognized for the services they provide and work they do.

5. Source of Information

Top 5 Reasons Why Veterans And Families Renew Memberships

1. Recognized for holding an office or being part of a team that accomplishes worthy projects. Recognized for being a member of a respected, reputable organization.

2. Post functions, activities, and programs meet expectations. Post Activities are educational, enjoyable, and beneficial to the member.

3. Security of knowing members benefits meet expectations, service officers are helpful and legislative actives are meaningful and important.

4. Sharing of personal ideas, goals, and feelings. Interaction with members that have similar views or interests.

5. The American Legion media system benefits membership. The American legion magazine, Legion Dispatch, Department and Post Newsletters combined with the Web site articles are interesting, informative, beneficial and accessible.

Attention All Members!!
Door entry key cards are available for from the Adjutant or Asst. Adjutant. All current 2009-2010 members, including SAL and Auxiliary will receive a new door card from the Adjutant or Asst. Adjutant.

Let us know if there are any events or updates you would like to share with fellow members.